The following item has been reported stolen:
Tractatus De Attentatis Et Innovatis, etc. Printed in Rome, in 1576, by Vincentium Accoltum. 16th century book in Latin, Folio. Treatise on Italian civil and ecclesiastical law. Collates: A - I, K - T, V, X, Y, Z, AA- II, KK - TT, VV, XX, YY, ZZ, AAa - EEc, a-h, i, k. Page numbering anomalies in index but catchwords match.
Original vellum binding over 16th century pasteboard, end papers intact, spine worn and missing leather on top and bottom, missing ties, both boards loosely attached, text block with some browning, but mostly clean, some dog-ears at end.
If you have any information on this item, please contact Paul Dessau at