first edition
1877 · Hartford, CT
by SMITH, Miss Julia E. (1792-1886)
Hartford, CT: [American Publishing Company], 1877. First Edition. 8vo, pp. 94. Bound in self wraps, little soiled (held on by 5 strips of old scotch tape), lacks a small piece of the blank on the lower right cover. Previous owner's name on the top of the wrap. Frontis engraving of Ms. Smith and her cows. All and all a good copy, the inside is nice and clean. Rare (we haven't had a copy in 17 years). LAID IN IS A CUT SIGNATURE OF MS. SMITH. The Smiths were two of the famous Glastonbury sisters, the most famous of which was Julia who was the only woman to translate the entire Bible into English (1876). Indeed, she was a champion of the woman suffrage party, rarely failing to attend their meetings and taking a leading role. Her younger sister, Abby, joined her in refusing to pay taxes until she was able to vote. The sisters argued that because they could not vote, this represented taxation without representation. The courts did not decide in their favor Local authorities, seized Abby's cattle and sold them for taxes. From 1873 until her death Abby refused to pay local taxes without a vote at town meeting ... The Smith sisters and their cows soon became known throughout the world and gave new impetus to the cause of women's rights[DAB]. Also see Anthony et al., History of Woman Suffrage for a discussion of this famous case.
(Inventory #: 60210)