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Circular. Alcabalas. En Real Orden de 3 Febrero de 1795 Cocedio S.M. a D. Joseph Ignacio de Inciarte por Premio de la Expedicion Que Ofrecio Hacer Desde Cadiz al Puerto de S. Blas y los de Californias... [caption title and first line of text]
by [Mexico]. [California]
Mexico City : January 26 , 1797 (click for more details)Auburn Press. Iwo Jima's First American Newspaper
by [World War II]. [Shipboard Printing]. Braun, E.C., ed
[At sea] : U.S.S. Auburn , 1945 (click for more details)Wounded Knee Bulletin #1 [caption title]
by [Native Americans]. Lakota Coalition
Rapid City, S.D. : March 19 , 1973 (click for more details)Pikin Spelle-Boekoe [wrapper title]
by [Suriname]
Paramaribo, Suriname : C. Kersten & Co , 1895 (click for more details)[Cabinet Card Photograph of Gertrude Easton, Pictured in Her Maid's Uniform, Together with a Later Vernacular Image of Her As an Older Woman]
by [African Americana]. [Women]. [Gertrude Easton]
[Philadelphia] : C.M. Gilbert , 1902 (click for more details)