Rulon-Miller Books buys and sells rare, fine and unusual books and manuscripts in many fields, with an emphasis on language, early and unusual printing, Americana, voyages and travel, archives, and appraisal services. Catalogs issued regularly.
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Indo-Asian studies ... Śata-piṭaka series: Indo-Asian literatures ... reproduced in original scripts and languages. Translated, annotated and critically evaluated by specialists of the East and the West in a series of collectanea
by Vira, Raghu, Prof. Dr., & Lokesh Chandra
New Delhi : International Academy of Indian Culture , 1963 (click for more details)
First Edition
The Pradyumna-Prabhavati legend in Nepal: A study of the Hindu myth of the draining of the Nepal Valley
by Brinkhaus, Horst
Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH , 1987 (click for more details)劉胡蘭 : 三幕十二場歌劇 = [Liu Hulan: san mu shi er chang ge ju] = [Liu Hulan: Opera in three acts and twelve scenes. A collective creation by Combat Drama Club
by Feng Wei, & Zongxian Luo
太嶽新華書店 Combat Drama Club / Taiyue , 1948 (click for more details)
First Edition
Intimate glimpses of mysterious Tibet and neighbouring countries
by Knight, George
London : Golden Vista Press , 1930 (click for more details)
First Edition
The Asiatic annual register; or, a view of the history of Hindustan, and of the politics, commerce and literature of Asia, for the year 1799
by Campbell, Lawrence Dundas, ed
London : printed for J. Debrett ... by Andrew Wilson, the Oriental Press , 1800 (click for more details)Recent Catalogs
Recent Acquisitions January 12th, 2016
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