E-List #154: The Longitude Problem 12 items from the 18th century related to navigation and determining longitude at sea.
Bookseller Catalogs
E-List #154: The Longitude Problem 12 items from the 18th century related to navigation and determining longitude at sea.
E-List #153: Authors Vidal-Young, from the Gabler Collection 131 fiction titles from the Gabler Collection, authors Vidal-Young.
E-List #149: Authors Saint-Exupéry-Updike, from the Gabler Collection 144 titles from the Gabler colleciton, authors Saint-Exupéry-Updike.
E-List #146: Authors Palahniuk - Ryan, from the Gabler Collection 137 fiction titles from the Gabler Collection, authors Palahniuk - Ryan.
E-List #145: Authors Nabokov-Ozick, from the Gabler Collection 76 fiction titles from the Gabler Collection, authors Nabokov-Ozick.