Bookseller Catalogs

50 Artists: Bookworks under $100

50 Artists: Bookworks under $100 Books and broadsides under $100. A variety of structures from pamphlet stitch to star carousel. A variety of printing methods from offset to letterpress. A variety of subjects from flora and fauna to voting.

How to request a print version: Email

April 2016 Monthly Miscellany

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

April 2016 Monthly Miscellany Includes: a review of the first freedom of religion case presented before the U.S. Supreme Court, involving a Mormon charged with bigamy; an 1880 publication related to women's suffrage; WWII-era plane identification references; dime novels; 1879 July 4th festival broadside; 1497 incunable leaf; etc.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF

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