Bookseller Catalogs


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

243: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN GRANDPA’S LIBRARY 53 books: AUTHORS: American Medical Association; Robert O. BALLOU; Nicolas Lenglet du FRESNOY; Mark JACKSON; Stanley W. JACKSON; Margaret C. JACOB; L. S. [Stephen]. JACYNA; William JAMES; Eric JAMESON; Jules Celestin JAMIN; Mike JAY; Elizabeth JENKINS; Paul JOIRE; James H. JONES; Peter M. JONES; V. Carleton. JONES; William Leighton JORDAN; Ludmilla JORDANOVA; Gerrit P. JUDD; Gerrit P. JUDD IV; James JURIN; Henry Home Lord KAMES; John KEILL; E. Ann KAPLAN; Matthew H. KAUFMAN; Yosio KAWAKITA; James KEILL; Sir Arthur KEITH; Philip KELLAND; Christopher KELLY; Howard KERR; Henry KIDDLE; James KING; John Bolton KING; Lester Snow KING; J. C. H. KING; Kenneth F. KIPLE; Patrick Vinton KIRCH; Athanasius KIRCHER; Alisa KLAUS; Wendy KLINE; David M. KNIGHT; Christopher [Christoph] Wilhelm von KOCH; Sally Gregory KOHLSTEDT; Alan M. KRAUT; Edward KREMERS; John J. KUCICH; George D. LUNDBERG; Harriet S. MEYER; Gardner MURPHY; Yasuo OTSUKA; Hippolyte Léon Denizard RIVAIL ["Allan KARDEC" [pseud.]]; Andrea RUSNOCK; Marshall David SAHLINS; Shizu SAKAI; Ignaz Philipp SEMMELWEIS; Glenn SONNEDECKER; Susan SQUIER; George URDANG

SUBJECTS: American Science & Medicine, Animal Economy, Anthropology, Art (artifacts), Asthma, Astronomy, Dr. Beddoes, Biology, British Technology (1760-1820), Chemistry, Captain James Cook, Depression, Fringe Medicine, History, Daniel Dunglas Home, Gender Study, Genetics, Geography, Gravity, Hawaii, Industrialization, Medical Biography, Medical classics, Medical History, Mediums, Military Surgery, Natural Philosophy, Natural Science (Illustration), Newtonian Science, Pediatrics, Pharmacy (History), Physiology, Physics, Plague, Psychical Research, Psychiatry, Public Health, Quackery, Religion, Reproduction (innovations), Revolutions, Royal Society, Satire, Scottish Medicine, Smallpox, Spiritualism, Supernormal Phenomena, Surgery (History of), Syphilis, Thinking (Philosophy of), Tower of Babel, Women

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Catalogue 87 - Potpourri April 2020

By J & J Lubrano Music Antiquarians LLC

Catalogue 87 - Potpourri April 2020 A treasury of antiquarian music, dance, and theatre materials including autograph music manuscripts, autograph letters by prominent composers and musicians, first and rare editions of music and books about music, and fine art portraits and photographs.

242: HISTORY OF SCIENCE: BARBARA REEVES, Professor, & Bern Dibner, Dibner Library

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

242: HISTORY OF SCIENCE: BARBARA REEVES, Professor, & Bern Dibner, Dibner Library 79 books: SUBJECTS: American Indians & military technology, American science, Astronomy, Audubon drawings, Bibliography (science), Biology, Cancer history, Chemistry, Chronology, Architecture, Cold War, Culture & illness, Dyes, Electron theory, Elements, Environmental History, Evolution, Exploration, French science, German science, Gravitation, High-Energy physics, History of science, Kant, Law & science, Machinery, Mathematics, Medical biography, Mendelism, Metallurgy, Newtonian science, Nuclear science, Particle Accelerators, Philosophy, Physics, Printing history, Pseudo-Science, Radio waves, Religion & science, Rhetoric, Russian science, Science biography, Scientific instruments, Scientific manuscripts, Scottish philosophy, Spectroscopy, Steam engine, Suez: Canal, Technology, Textiles, Time, Transportation, Utopianism, Women in science

AUTHORS: Pnina G ABIR-AM -- John James AUDUBON -- George Frederick BARKER -- Silvio A. BEDINI -- Edmund BERKELEY -- Dorothy Smith BERKELEY -- Richard J. BLACKWELL -- Christopher C. BOOTH -- Phillip BRICKER -- Robert E. BUTTS -- Max CASPAR -- Boris CASTEL -- John CLAYTON -- Betsy C. CORNER -- John Whitney DAVIS -- Margaret A. EISENHART -- Elizabeth FINKEL -- John FOTHERGILL -- Richard Hingston FOX -- Robert FOX -- Benjamin FRANKLIN -- Viktor FÜRST -- Levi ben GERSHOM [GERSONIDES] -- Henry GUERLAC -- Paul GUYER -- A. Rupert HALL -- Marie Boas HALL -- Willy HARTNER -- Walter HAUSER -- Brooke HINDLE -- Everard HOME -- Elbert HUBBARD -- R.I.G. HUGHES -- John HUNTER -- William HUNTER -- Andrew C. ISENBERG -- Sheila JASANOFF -- Immanuel KANT -- Henrietta HERTZSPRUNG-KAPTEYN -- Jacobus Cornelius KAPTEYN -- Gerson LANGE -- M. Stanley LIVINGSTON -- Sir Norman LOCKYER -- Sir Oliver LODGE -- Hendrik Antoon LORENTZ -- Ian Ellery MCCARTHY -- Russell MCCORMMACH -- Caroline E. MacGILL -- William MCGUCKEN -- Arthur Stanley MACKENZIE -- Stephen A. MCKNIGHT -- Yasukatsu MAEYAMA -- William Francis MAGIE -- Jane MAIENSCHEIN -- Patrick M. MALONE -- Frank E. MANUEL -- Gerald E. MARKLE -- Champion Herbert MATHEWSON -- James Clerk MAXWELL -- Robert MAYHEW -- Otto MAYR -- Arthur Jack MEADOWS -- Dmitri Ivanovich MENDELEYEV -- Balthasar Henry MEYER -- Jeffrey P. MORAN -- Stanley MORISON -- David B. MORRIS -- Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute -- Bruno NARDI -- National Museum of History and Technology -- Isaac NEWTON -- Agusti NIETO-GALAN -- Erik NORDENSKIÖLD -- Mary Jo NYE -- Robert Cecil OLBY -- James S. OLSON -- Richard OLSON -- Jane Marion OPPENHEIMER -- Dorinda OUTRAM -- PAUL OF VENUS -- Wolfgang PAULI -- James C. PETERSON -- Oleg Nikolaevich PISARZHEVSKY -- Alan R. PERREIAH -- Trevor PINCH -- Marcello PERA -- Philosophy of Science Association. -- Max PLANCK -- Robert POLLACK -- John Wesley POWELL -- John PUDNEY -- Helena M. PYCIOR -- Jean RACINE -- David REED -- Jacques ROGER -- Duane Henry Du Bose ROLLER -- Sir Henry Enfield ROSCOE -- Paolo ROSSI -- Walter Gabriel SALTZER -- Carl SCHORLEMMER -- Emilio SEGRÈ -- Marcia Sweet STAYER -- Tom TUCKER -- John TYNDALL -- Jessica WANG -- Donald J. WILCOX -- Sir Christopher WREN

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By Jeff Weber Rare Books

241: BOOKS FROM THE MEDICAL LIBRARY OF MICHAEL T. KENNEDY, MD 66 books: AUTHORS: Karel B. ABSOLON; Francis ADAMS; John ALLEN; American College of Hospital Administrators; Frederick Grant BANTING; Henry Jacob BIGELOW; Michael BIDDISS; Theodor BILLROTH; Alfred BLALOCK; Nathaniel I. BOWDITCH; H. V. CARTER; Frederick F. CARTWRIGHT; Walter CHANNING; Charles G. CHILD; Ierome Bernard COHEN; Harvey CUSHING; Jared DIAMOND; J. Henry DIBLE; J. Wiley EDMANDS; Julie FAIRMAN; Rene G. FAVALORO; Julie M. FENSTER; Joshua FISHER; Reginald Huber FITZ; Maxim D. FRANK-KAMENETSKII; Rosalind FRANKLIN; Rene FULOP-Miller; John Farquhar FULTON; Martin GAY; William GLASSER; Marthe R. GOLD; Joseph GOLDBERGER; Richard GORDON; Henry GRAY; William Stewart HALSTED; Wallace P. HAMBY; Seale HARRIS; William HARVEY; HIPPOCRATES; Richard Manning HODGES; Charles T. JACKSON; Harold Daintree JOHNSON; William Williams KEEN; Howard A. KELLY; Geoffrey KEYNES; Robert KOCH; Alan M. KRAUT; Dominique Jean LARREY; John Rudd LEESON; Joseph LISTER; William P. LONGMIRE, Jr; Joan E. LYNAUGH; W. G. MACCALLUM; Leonard Portal MARK; Massachusetts General Hospital; James Ewing MEARS; Medical Society of the County of New York; Dwight R. MESSIMER; Willy MEYER; Midwifery Dispensary, New York; Roy L. MOODIE; William Thomas Green MORTON; Adam NEALE; Florence NIGHTINGALE; Ambroise PARE; Roswell PARK; Louis PASTEUR; Aegineta PAULUS; Joseph PFLUG; Carl ROKITANSKY; Kenneth J. ROTHMAN; Louise B. RUSSELL; Anne SAYRE; Victor SCHMIEDEN; Joanna E. SIEGEL; Madeline Earle STANTON; Douglas STARR; Paul STARR ; Thomas E. STARZL; John TRUSLER; George G. LINDESMITH; Bernard L. TUCKER; Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie VELPEAU; Frank T. VERTOSICK; Grant E. WARD; James D. WATSON; Allen B. WEISSE ; Milton C. WEINSTEIN; Cecil WOODHAM-SMITH

SUBJECTS: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Anthrax , Art & medicine, Breast, Cardiology, Electrosurgery, Epidemics, Genetics, Hospitals, Insulin, Liver disease, Medical biography, Medical history, Midwifery, Military medicine, Neurology, Nursing, Pain, Pancreatic Hemorrhage, Pathology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Scientific history, Surgical Pathology, Swelling in limbs, War

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