Bookseller Catalogs

Catalog 177 October 2017

By Schulson Autographs, Ltd.

Catalog 177 October 2017 16 items fully illustrated and described in areas of literature, art, cartoon art, photography, science, women's history, Jewish history, cinema and television, popular music.

187: Bookseller’s Cabinet

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

187: Bookseller’s Cabinet JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #187: Features 173 antiquarian books of recent acquisition in the fields of early printed books, Americana, literature, fine printing, Voyages & Travel, Photography, etc. Essentially a broad range of what is on the bookseller's shelf. INCLUDING: Aesop 1668h, Hans Christian Andersen, IN SPAIN, 1864, Francis Bacon, WORKS, 1740, J. Bradbury, TRAVELS IN THE INTERIOR OF AMERICA, 1817, DeLoss Mcgraw (1985), Robinson Jeffers, GRANITE & CYPRESS, 1974, etc.

How to request a print version: e-mail [weberbks[at]], [or] call [323-344-9553]

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