Bookseller Catalogs

List 5: Lawrence of Arabia

By Walkabout Books

List 5: Lawrence of Arabia A selection of items by or about T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)--including some ephemeral rarities, some "must-have" titles for any Lawrence collection, and a few oddball items such as a Dutch comic book history of Lawrence in the Arab Revolt.

August 2015 Catalog

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

August 2015 Catalog Our monthly miscellany featuring:
- A biography by Edward Ellsberg which includes a 1958 ALS reviewing Orwell's 1984
- over five dozen Edgar Rice Burroughs titles, many in jacket;
- New York history
- early imprints
- collectible editions of Baum, Perrault, Browning
- Gertrude Stein
- signed Edward Gorey

How to request a print version: Printable PDF


By Bolerium Books Inc.

Zines Including many gay and lesbian publications, zines by people of color, photocopied comix, and products of anarchist and other radical political movements... Plus a few works of pure tastelessness.

Catalogue 93

Catalogue 93 Artists & Authors

How to request a print version: Please email us to receive a printed copy at

Revolutionary War related books

Revolutionary War related books 88 books relating to the Revolutionary War with detailed descriptions and images. If you would like more images, please let us know.

How to request a print version: We can print out a paper catalogue in 8.5 x 11 inches size, and mail to you, should you so desire. email us at pia (at sign) randallhouserarebooks (dot) com or phone us at 805-963-1909

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