Bookseller Catalogs


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

201: A PACIFIC MISCELLANY: ASIA & THE AMERICAS JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #201: 86 books: Beechey's Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering’s Strait (1831); Maynard Dixon, Poems and Seven Drawings, Grabhorn Press, (1923); Edwards, A Voyage up the River Amazon (1847); Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1882-3); Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, from April, 1861, to April, 1865 (1881); Hartshorne, Japan and Her People; Holder & Woods, Our Living World; An Artistic Edition of the Rev. J. G. Wood’s Natural History of Animate Creation (1885); Kelly, A Stroll through Diggings of California (1852); Tarbell's Lincoln (1909); Mackay, The History of the United States of America Continued to

the Southern Secession (8 vols.); Morgan, League of the Ho-De’-No-Sau-Nee or Iroquois (1901); Roosevelt & Grinnell, American Big-Game Hunting (1893); Schoolcraft, Notes on the Iroquois (1847); Smith's Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan (1908); Sylvester, Indian Wars of New England (1910); Wimer, Events in Indian History (1842); Wright & Allom, China (1843); and a special LARGE PAPER COPY - one of only 22 printed - of Carl Irving Wheat's, The Maps of the California Gold Region. 1848-1857, Grabhorn Press, 1942.

How to request a print version: Write to: Jeff Weber Rare Books []


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

200: FROM NAPOLEON TO VICTORIA: 19TH CENTURY EUROPE JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #200: 53 books: Marie Antoinette; Bidwell's Forging His Chains (1890); Dibdin, A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany (1821); Cassell’s History of England; Ewald, The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K. G., and His Times (1882-3); Fellowes, A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe, in 1817 (1823); Gibbon, Roman Empire (1881); Gibson, The Anatomy of Humane Bodies Epitomized (1694); Lodge, Portraits of illustrious Personages of Great Britain (1840); The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet (1845); Sleeman, Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official (1844); Thornton, Illustrations of the History and Practices of the Thugs (1837); Wilson, Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland, etc.

How to request a print version: Write to Jeff Weber Rare Books []

199: Fore-edge Painting [91 specimens]

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

199: Fore-edge Painting [91 specimens] JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #199: 91 fore-edge paintings offered: 3 by Clare Brooksbank, 2 by Margaret Costa, 1 Ms. C. B. Currie, 2 by Syd Dearden, 3 previously owned by Estelle Doheny, 14 double fore-edges, 10 painted by the 'Dover' Painter (Marks & Co.), 9 by Martin Frost, 17 painted by/for Harrington's, 1 by Helen Haywood, 1 by William Luker, 9 by Don Noble, 15 signed fore-edges, 4 by S.E. Stevens, and many more.

How to request a print version: Write to Jeff Weber Rare Books []

Alphabetically Speaking

Alphabetically Speaking Book artists' and letterpress printers create ABC books on a wide variety of subjects - A to Z about boys and girls, letterpress printing, lichencounters and a simple calligraphy alphabet.

How to request a print version: Please email Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers at for a print version

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