Bookseller Catalogs

Early American Architecture

By The Bookpress, Ltd.

Early American Architecture A small selection from our inventory of Early America Architecture.

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Rubaiyat Part I

By Little Sages Books

Rubaiyat Part I Edward Heron Allen, Edward Fitzgerald and other translators and scholarly treatments of Omar Khayyam and Persian poetry tradition

How to request a print version: Write for any assistance


By Little Sages Books

californication George Wharton James and related 19th century California including rattlesnake cures, Victorian tours and metallurgy.

How to request a print version: Print or Write for any assistance.

LIST 326: SPRING MISCELLANY:  Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Photographs, and Ephemera

By L & T Respess Books

LIST 326: SPRING MISCELLANY:  Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Photographs, and Ephemera 79 items, topics include African-Americana, Slavery, Civil War, Southern States, Angling, Hunting, Mountaineering, Presidents, New York State, English & American Literature, Children’s Books, Popular Performing Arts, and European History & Culture

How to request a print version: This time we do not have printed catalogues.

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