Bookseller Catalogs

210: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: L [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Greek & Latin Classics, Physics

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

210: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: L [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Greek & Latin Classics, Physics JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #210: 34 books, featuring: LASTEYRIE from the library of Leon Leroy; Frederic Lawrence Holmes on Lavoisier; 2 Max von Laue; Mathew Carey LEA; Auguste Laurent; William LEMPRIERE; the physicist Philipp von LENARD; "The great work of Lessius … De justitia et jure", and his Quæ fides et religio sit capessenda," Antwerp, 1609; Emmanuel Liais; Joseph Johann von LITTROW; LIVY; Humphrey LLOYD on wave-theory of light; Joseph Norman LOCKYER (3 works); Oliver Joseph LODGE (on electricity); Percival LOWELL and a major collection of Lowell Observatory offprints (many signed); Sir John LUBBOCK (on ants & bees) & Pre-Historic Times; LUCIAN Amsterdam, 1687; Charles LYELL.

How to request a print version:

209: Various & Medical

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

209: Various & Medical JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #209: 31 books and 'extras' offered in a fully illustrated catalogue: Alfred Blalock, Douglas Gordon Carroll, Jr., James Milman Coley on diseases of children, James Frank Colyer on teeth, Charles Darwin (including a signed fragment), Darwin on emotions, Eastman Kodak on X-Rays, James E. Eisenhoff on anesthesia, Edgar Severn Ellis on anesthesia, Edward Bliss Foote (popular late 19th century domestic medicine), inscribed by William S. Halsted, Robert Eunson Harrison on teeth, Tinsley R. Harrison's classic on internal medicine (inscribed first edition), Frederick Hollick on women's health, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, Sir James Mackenzie, Daniel H. Ogley on electric lamps, several books by or about Sir William Osler, biography of Sir James Simpson & chloroform, Edward Anthony Spitzka, John Bertrand de Cusance Morant Saunders, Owsei Temkin, William Sydney Thayer (inscribed by Walter E. Dandy), Charles John Samuel Thompson (on surgical instruments), Anton Freiherr von Troltsch on the ear, Lawson Wilkins, Henry L. Williams on Ménière's Disease, World War II Jewish Scholars Banned/Displaced from Germany [1936].

How to request a print version: On-line PDF format only.

Catalogue 90

By The Veatchs Arts of the Book

Catalogue 90 Recent acquisitions in Graphic Arts, Fine Binding & Printing

How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.


By L & T Respess Books

LIST 315: CIVIL WAR 286 books, pamphlets, and some manuscripts, primarily from a single, multi-generational family collection. Included are biographies, memoirs, unit histories, naval history, Confederate imprints, Reconstruction, women in the war, and related topics.

How to request a print version: Printed catalogues (not illustrated) are available by email ( or telephone (413-727-3435).

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