Bookseller Catalogs

Ephemera, Maps and Books - A California International Book Fair Selection

Ephemera, Maps and Books - A California International Book Fair Selection We invite you to visit us at booth 507 at the California International Antiquarian Book Fair, February 9-11, 2018
We will be exhibiting a wide variety of ephemera, maps and books, many of which are pictured in this catalogue.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

MEDICAL HIGHLIGHTS: Pasadena ILAB/ABAA - Book Fair 2018 JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS, 55 books: Including the following authors: Alard Adelon (1812-22), Salmon Alberti (1582), Emil Behring, Claude Bernard (1858), Henry Bigelow (1847-8), Jean Chruveilhier (1830-40), Cushing (1938), James Douglas (1763), John Goodsir (1845), William Halsted (1921), Griffith Hughes (1750, John Hunter (1794), Edward Jenner (1798), Morgagni (1723), William Osler (1898, etc.), Ambroise Pare(1582), Antoine Serres (1832), etc.

How to request a print version: Contact:; Phone: 323 344 9332


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Pasadena ILAB/ABAA - Book Fair 2018 JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS, 81 books from all the sciences. Some authors: Accademia del Cimento, George Adams, Pierre Ango, Babbage, Henry Baker, John Bardeen, Robert Boyle, Chladni, Charles Darwin, Abraham DeMoirvre, Ercker, James Croll, Hevelius, Huygens, Newton, Jean Niceron, Ohm, Piccolominei, Struve, etc.

How to request a print version: Contact:; phone: 323 344 9332

PICTORIAL MAPS & EPHEMERA: Florida, California & Further Afield… February 2018

PICTORIAL MAPS & EPHEMERA: Florida, California & Further Afield… February 2018 A selection of pictorial maps and ephemera for those attending the Miami International Map Fair February 3 and 4, the ABAA International Antiquarian Book Fair in Pasadena, California on February 9 to 11, and lovers of historical graphics everywhere.
Where ever this list finds you, we send all best wishes for 2018.
Elisabeth Burdon & Craig Clinton

Biblioctopus Catalog 58

By Biblioctopus

Biblioctopus Catalog 58 Books and manuscripts interspersed with an unanticipatedly wide array of connected items, 650BCE–1987CE.

How to request a print version:

190: Richard Weiss Library on PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY & more.

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

190: Richard Weiss Library on PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY & more. JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #190: Contains 283 books selected from the ASTRONOMY & PHYSICS historical library of Dr. Richard Weiss. Included are numerous works on magnetism & electricity, mathematics, natural history and natural philosophy, the general popularization of science, etc. Among the highlights: J.J. THOMSON, Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, 1893 [#263], and, Madame de SEVIGNE'S, Lettres Choisies, 1871 [#243], Andrew Carnegie's copy of BREWSTER'S Life of Newton, 1855 [#187].

How to request a print version: PDF format only.

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