Bookseller Catalogs

Catalog 3: 250 Years of Persuasive Mapping

By Boston Rare Maps Inc

Catalog 3: 250 Years of Persuasive Mapping The catalog features dozens of examples highlighting the great range and exuberant variety of persuasive maps. Inside you will find a spectacular "Gerry-Mander" broadside, maps of the human heart, a darkly allegorical Temperance map of the Mississippi, and an archive of unrecorded maps of "The United States of Earth," and many, many more.

How to request a print version: Please contact us regarding copies of the print catalog.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

234: GET YER GHOST: RARE BOOKS IN MEDICAL HISTORY, ANIMISME ET SPIRITISME, MEDICAL ODDITIES 34 books: SUBJECTS: Fringe Medicine, History of Medicine, Spiritualism & Afterlife; AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: Louis GALAMBOS; GALEN; Catherine GALLAGHER; Sir Francis GALTON; Hamlin GARLAND; Clarke GARRETT; Eileen J. GARRETT; Fielding Hudson GARRISON; Archibald GARROD; Elizabeth GASKING; Reginald Ruggles GATES; Norman GEVITZ; Sander L. GILMAN; Thomas GISBORNE; Bentley GLASS; William GODWIN; Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE; Oliver GOLDSMITH; Regneri de GRAAF; Harvey GRAHAM, [pseud. of Dr. Harvey FLACK]; Lindsay GRANSHAW; Douglas GRANT; Joseph GRASSET; Mark GRAUBARD; Joseph L. GRAVES; Asa GRAY; Andrew GREEN; Celia Elizabeth GREEN; John C. GREENE; Susan GREENHALGH; Mirko D. GRMEK; Michael F. GUYER; H. HARRIS; Thomas LAQUEUR; Charles MCCREERY; Rudolf MAGNUS; Roy PORTER; Jane Eliot SEWELL; William L. STRAUS, Jr.; Owsei TEMKIN.

How to request a print version: contact:

LIST 638

By Buckingham Books

LIST 638 This is our latest Mystery catalog. There are several books offered including: LAURA - Vera Caspary, BRIGHTON ROCK. AN ENTERTAINMENT - Graham Greene, THE GALTON CASE - Ross MacDonald and many more titles for your enjoyment.


By Buckingham Books

WA-145 In this, our final catalog for 2019, we offer several significant items such as "Nimmo's Treasury Report" of the "Big Four" cattle books; a manuscript brand book of Mississippi, recording 24 years of brands & the only known Brand Book for Mississippi; John G. Bourke's "MacKenzie's Last Fight,"...a true Indian Wars rarity; the rarely seen first edition of "Life of Charley Reynolds." In addition, our Photograph Gallery Supplement presents 2 photographs by L.A. Huffman, a rare Pinkerton Reward Poster for Rube Barrows, and a collection of photographs of members of the Dalton Gang after their famous attempt to rob 2 banks in Coffeyville, Kansas.

Rara Eros 16th - 20th Centuries

By Booktryst

Rara Eros 16th - 20th Centuries Featuring 60 scare or merely rare items of illustrated erotic books with titlepages and illustrations (over 82) seen for the first time outside of the original books, as well as original prints. Already a desirable reference, Rara Eros is highlighted by meticulous scholarship, informative annotations, and attractive design.

How to request a print version: A print edition limited to 50 copies is available for $55. Contact the proprietor.

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