Bookseller Catalogs


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

212: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: M [Sciences] 30 books: Hector Munro Macdonald, Ernst Mach, Gideon Mantell, Henri Marais, Hippolyte Marie-Davy, Jean-Charles Galissard de Marignac, George Perkins Marsh, Benjamin Martin, Matthew Maury, Lucy-Ann McFadden, Lise Meitner, Andrew N. Meldrum, Charles Meray, Stanislas-Etienne Meunier, John Michell, George Abram Miller, Norman Miller, Robert Andrews Millikan, John Milne, Louis Melville Milne-Thomson. Subjects: Astronomy, Atomic Structure, Biography, Chemistry, Chronology, Electric Waves, Electromagnetism, Geology, Hydrodynamics, Inventions, Lexicography, Longitude, Mathematics, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Physical Geography, Pharmacy, Physics, Relativity, Seismology etc.

How to request a print version: Please inquire.

E-List #7: New Arrivals

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-List #7: New Arrivals Highlights include first editions of Remarque ("All Quiet on the Western Front"), Steinbeck ("The Wayward Bus"), Twain ("A Double Barrelled Detective," featuring Sherlock Holmes in the American West), and Jack Dempsey's autobiography, signed.

Codex 2019 Catalog

Codex 2019 Catalog Items exhibited at the 2019 CODEX Book Fair & Symposium in Richmond, California

Illustrated Catalogue: California Book Fair 2019

By Michael Laird Rare Books LLC

Illustrated Catalogue: California Book Fair 2019 Issued on the occasion of the California Book Fair, this catalogue reflects our broad range of interests. It in are described and illustrated 48 items, arranged in special subjects, including Americana, Antiquarian Bibliography, Art and Architecture, Children's Books, Fine and Historic Bookbindings, Literature, Manuscripts and Ephemera, Medicine, Oriental Books, Photography, Science and Technology, Theology and Religion, and much more.

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