Bookseller Catalogs

Winter’s Gifts 2022

By Buddenbrooks, Inc.

Winter’s Gifts 2022 Our tie-in catalogue to the Boston Virtual Holiday Book Fair. With nearly 60 wonderful books, prints, and manuscript letters for giving or collecting ranging from the rare and extraordinary to the fun and affordable.

How to request a print version: You may download the catalogue from a link in the online version.

CATALOGUE 98 December 2022

By J & J Lubrano Music Antiquarians LLC

CATALOGUE 98 December 2022 Rare Printed & Manuscript Music

Autographs of Composers & Musicians

Music Iconography

80 items including …

- First Editions: Beethoven, Chopin, Haydn, Massenet, Offenbach, Puccini, Schubert, Schumann, Richard Strauss, Verdi, and Weber

- Rare 18th and 19th Century Chamber Music: Davaux, Fesca, Gyrowetz, Hänsel, Kreutzer, Krommer, Lampugani, Meyseder, Onslow, Pleyel, and Sammartini

- Autographs: Bloch, Chaliapin, Delibes, Giordano, Gounod, Kodály, Mascagni, Milhaud, Patti, Ravel, and Thalberg

- Autograph Music Manuscripts of American Composers: David Chaitkin, James Primosch, Peter Schickele, and George Tsontakis

- Original Photographs: Opera singers of the early 20th century by the important photographer Herman Mishkin

Royal Books Catalog Seventy-Seven

By Royal Books, Inc.

Royal Books Catalog Seventy-Seven Our most recent catalog, featuring 100 new arrivals devoted entirely to the literary sources for American film noir as curated in Kevin Johnson's "The Dark Page: Books that Inspired Film Noir."

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