Bookseller Catalogs

LIST 362: THOMAS JEFFERSON AND HIS TIME, 154 items Books, Pamphlets, and Ephemera

By L & T Respess Books

LIST 362: THOMAS JEFFERSON AND HIS TIME, 154 items Books, Pamphlets, and Ephemera This list and its two supplements present works by and about Thomas Jefferson, about his times, about places where he lived and visited, buildings that he designed, people to which he was related and many with whom he worked in a total of 485 entries.

How to request a print version: We have only a couple remaining. Email to request one, if still available.


By Charles Agvent

LITERARY MANUSCRIPTS & LETTERS Part 6 Our new catalog contains 35 literary manuscripts, letters, signed photographs, documents, etc. Authors include Auden, Chandler, Emerson, Hawthorne, Perelman, Steinbeck, Wharton, and others.

311: Medical History & Public Health

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

311: Medical History & Public Health About 66 books on the history of medicine and public health, occupational medicine. Books from the library of Arthur Frank and others.

How to request a print version: contact:

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