Bookseller Catalogs

Stuart Lutz Historic Documents catalog

By Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc.

Stuart Lutz Historic Documents catalog A broad assortment of historically important documents, including an archive of Presidential letters, one of Abraham Lincoln's first Presidential commissions, an Amelia Earhart signed photograph, a rare James Garfield Presidential document, a John Wayne signed radio contract, and much, much more.

How to request a print version: Contact me for a printed catalog, or to be put on my catalog mail list.

Catalog 17. The Future is Unwritten: Letterism [Lettrisme] 1947-2014

By Book & Tackle

Catalog 17. The Future is Unwritten: Letterism [Lettrisme] 1947-2014

Catalog 17 is entirely devoted to Letterism and Inismo, and features over 100 books and periodicals.

How to request a print version: The print catalog was limited to 25 copies and is now depleted. Our next print catalog will be printed in greater numbers.

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