Bookseller Catalogs

E-Catalogue Thirteen: Association Manuscripts

By Les Enluminures, Ltd.

E-Catalogue Thirteen: Association Manuscripts Association copies (books owned or annotated by their author, someone close to the author, or more broadly, by any notable individual) are prized by collectors of printed books. It is not ordinarily a term applied to medieval or Renaissance manuscripts, but we have recently been having fun with the concept, which underlines the fascination we all have with the people associated with every book, be it printed or copied by hand.

273: The Eric & Alexandre De Henseler Library (Pt II)

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

273: The Eric & Alexandre De Henseler Library (Pt II) 67 books on areas including 'free thought', philosophy, Sanskrit, Orientalism, Eastern Philosophy & especially India and some on Persia. The study of ancient languages is a constant theme in this collection former by father & son.

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2022 Artist Print Catalogue

2022 Artist Print Catalogue We have serigraphs, lithographs, etchings, and engravings from the 18th through 20th centuries. Artists include Marcel Vertès, Hall Thorpe, Rudolf Veit, and Jean Charlot.

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