Bookseller Catalogs


By L & T Respess Books

LIST 352: 19TH-CENTURY MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN ALABAMA Books, Manuscripts, and Ephemera — 43 items including surgery, chiropractic, dentistry, mental health, optometry, pathology, urology, springs, popular medicine, mathematics, and agricultural sciences

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297: Burndy Science & more

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

297: Burndy Science & more Approximately 75 books, mostly history of science, Art & Art History, Bibliography & Books on Books, Engineering, History – Including European, Horology: Clocks & Watches, Maritime, Medical Bibliography Natural History, Philosophy, Photography, Media: Radio & Telephone, Railroads, History of Science, Scientific Instruments, Ships & The Sea, Technology & Transport, Voyages & Travel

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Charles Dickens

By Buddenbrooks, Inc.

Charles Dickens First and early editions, collectible and illustrated editions, bibliographical works, an autograph letter and a photograph

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