Bookseller Catalogs

Colonial Americana

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

Colonial Americana Forty titles pertaining to the early history of the American colonies, including four 18th century imprints, and several works printed from colonial manuscripts.

How to request a print version: Print copies are available upon request - please call or e-mail.


By Johnson Rare Books & Archives

METAL a selection of books, zines, vinyl, demos, photographs, fashion, posters, flyers, and other material documenting the history, influence, and enduring appeal of heavy metal over the past fifty years

How to request a print version: email to request a printed copy of this or any of our other catalogues

Catalog 9

By The Kelmscott Bookshop

Catalog 9 Artists' Books, Private Press, Fine 19th Century Literature, Illustrated Books, and more

How to request a print version: Please contact us at for a print catalog

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