Bookseller Catalogs

E-list #41

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-list #41 Original art, a Donald Duck title signed by one of Disney's main animators, lots of Lincoln-related items, several antiquarian volumes, interesting little magazines . . . a truly enjoyable list.

Catalog 72: Summer 2022

By E.M. Maurice Books

Catalog 72: Summer 2022 I meant to get a winter catalog out the door, but then March rolled around and it was too late. Then I tried for a Spring catalog, but May snuck up on me. So, here we are in early June and I finally put a list together. This catalog is mostly new arrivals with about 50 selections from our inventory.

Some of the highlights include Ronald King's limited edition pop-up ABC, ALPHABETA CONCERTINA; a first edition of Lloyd Alexander's Newbery Award winning THE HIGH KING; an uncommon book illustrated by Florence Mary Anderson, PASSWORD TO FAIRYLAND; Margaret Wise Brown's DAVID'S LITTLE INDIAN illustrated by Remy Charlip; a selection of BABAR books; Julius Hoppner illustrated edition of UNDINE; signed D'Aulaire books; the signed limited edition of I AM A PUEBLO INDIAN GIRL; Johnny Gruelle's GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES; a signed copy of Dorothy P. Lathrop's Newbery Honor book, THE FAIRY CIRCUS in dust jacket!; a fabulous French book by O'Galop (pseud of Marius Rossillon) who created the Michelin man, the book is titled LE DIRIGEABLE CAGE-A-MOUCHES NUMERO UN; and a rare WWII era book written and illustrated by the children of unoccupied France, LE MERVEILLEUX VOYAGE DE AL GOUTTE DE VITAMINE.

How to request a print version: Digital only.

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