2024/2025 Committee Assignments

Executive Committee
Alexander Akin, President
John Knott, Vice President
Vic Zoschak, Secretary
Peter Blackman, Treasurer
Lizzy Young
Sunday Steinkirschner
Benevolent & Woodburn Fund Trustees
Sheryl Jaeger, Chair
Brad Johnson
Alexander Akin

Benevolent Fundraising Committee
Ken Mallory, Chair
Mary Gilliam
Larisa Cassell
Howard Prouty
Adam Schachter
Holly N. Segar
Kol Shaver
Sunday Steinkirchner
John Thomson

Book Fair Committee (National)
Sunday Steinkirchner, Chair
Alexander Akin
James Goldwasser
Nicole Reiss
Carol Sandberg

By-Laws Committee
Norman Graubart, Chair
Alexander Akin
Scott DeWolfe
Douglas Nelson
Rock Toews

Diversity Initiative 
James Goldwasser, Chair
Alexander Akin
Will Baker
Richard Erdmann
Hélène Golay
Jon Munster
Kiley Samz
Madison Rootenberg Schwartz
Sunday Steinkirchner

Ethics & Standards
James Goldwasser, Chair
Alexander Akin
John Knott
Ken Mallory
Sunday Steinkirchner
Lizzy Young

Finance Committee
Peter Blackman, Chair
Sunday Steinkirchner

Gender Equity Initiative 
Elizabeth Young, Chair
Joyce Kosofsky
Kaitlin Manning
Heather O'Donnell
Claudia Strauss-Schulson
Madison Rootenberg Schwartz
Libby Ware

Governmental Affairs Committee
Vic Zoschak, Chair

House Committee 
Alexander Akin, Chair
John Knott
Peter Blackman
Vic Zoschak

Internet Committee
John Knott, Chair
John Durham
Zhenya Dzhavgova
Norman Graubart
Kait Manning

Membership Committee
Kent Tschanz, Chair
Alexander Akin
James Goldwasser
Norman Graubart
Ken Mallory
Jon Munster
Elizabeth Young

Membership Recruitment Committee (Sub-Committee of Membership Committee)
Kent Tschanz, Chair
Bill Butts
Sheryl Jaeger
David Lilburne
Ken Mallory
Glenn Mason
James McBride
Kate Mitas
Douglas Nelson
Andy Nettell
Marco Panella
Jennifer Phillips
Carol Sandberg
Kol Shaver
Elizabeth Young

Nominating Committee
Sheryl Jaeger, Chair

Planning & Coordinating Committee
Sandra Hoekstra, Chair
Kurt Gippert
Gordon Hollis
Adrienne Kitts
Jon Munster
Andy Nettell
David Spilman
Laurelle Swan
Kent Tschanz

Public Relations/Publications
John Knott, Chair
Bill Butts
Don Lindgren
Jennifer Phillips
Rebecca Romney
Elizabeth Young

RBMS/Liaison Committee
Lizzy Young, Chair
James McBride
Phil Salmon

Security Committee
Alexander Akin, Chair
Michael Hackenberg

Virtual Book Fair Committee 
Sheryl Jaeger, Chair
Alexander Akin
John Knott

*The President is ex-officio for all committees.

Committee Missions

Antiquarian Booksellers' Benevolent Fund
The Benevolent Fund shall be in the care of three (3) Trustees, who collectively shall have the power to lawfully exercise the authority vested in them by the Benevolent Fund's Articles of Incorporation of May 1952. The Trustees shall consist of the two immediate past presidents of the Association, and the current President of the Association, each Trustee serving for three consecutive two-year terms. The Immediate Past President shall be the Chairperson of the Benevolent Fund. In the event a Trustee is in any way unable to fulfill his or her obligations to the Benevolent Fund, that vacancy may be filled by the remaining Trustees, for the remainder of the existing term, at their discretion, which appointment shall not be subject to approval by the Board. The Benevolent Fund Trustees shall be responsible for maintaining and managing a fund separate from that of all other Association funds for the sole purpose of assisting such persons who are or who have been Antiquarian Booksellers, as defined below in Article V, Section C.1, and who make application for financial assistance, which assistance may be granted, at the discretion of the Trustees, for the personal needs of those applicants. Limitations of Disbursements. Disbursements from the Benevolent Fund may be made to any Antiquarian Bookseller, and are not restricted to members of the Association.  Confidentiality of Applications and Disbursements. All applications to and disbursements from the Benevolent Fund shall be held in confidence by the Trustees.  The Elisabeth Woodburn Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Elisabeth Woodburn Memorial Scholarship Fund was formed in April 1991 out of funds bequeathed to the ABAA by the late Elisabeth Woodburn, and a vote of the Board of Governors. This fund shall be kept separate from all other Association funds for various educational purposes, including, but not limited to, the providing of financial assistance for the continuing education of antiquarian booksellers, and the funding of research projects related to bookselling or bibliography. Applications for the scholarship shall be available to any qualified candidate, based on the terms for qualification as specified by the Trustees. 

Benevolent Fund Committee
The Benevolent Fund Committee shall be responsible for development and fundraising for the Benevolent and Woodburn Funds and the National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest in coordination with the Trustees.

Book Fair Committee
The Book Fair Committee, with the prior approval of the Board of Governors, shall monitor and maintain Book Fair Rules, and make recommendations to the Board of Governors for the modification thereof; shall act as a liaison between local book fair committees and the Board of Governors; and, shall see to the proper and expedient handling of book fair business.  The Book Fair Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

By-Laws Committee
The By-Laws Committee shall be familiar with the intent and content of existing By-Laws; shall be responsible for monitoring the needs of the Government of the Association; and, shall make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Governors for the revision thereof.  The By-Laws Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Diversity Initiative
The ABAA formed the Diversity Initiative to promote a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the rare book and manuscript trade generally and the ABAA membership in particular. Its aim
is to foster a community open to all participants irrespective of race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical disability, or gender identity. The Diversity Initiative is an organization-wide effort, advising the Board of Governors and its committees to ensure the ABAA acts against any barriers to participation of LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and underrepresented groups in the world of book collecting; to bring new voices from diverse backgrounds into ABAA leadership and membership; and to maintain policies, procedures, and communications that are free from bias.

Ethics and Standards Committee
The Ethics and Standards Committee shall consist only of members of the Board of Governors who from time to time shall be appointed by the President. The Ethics and Standards Committee shall accept and consider all written complaints from any individual or organization against any member of the Association, and may on its own initiative investigate alleged violations of the Association's Code of Ethics. The Ethics and Standards Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Executive Committee 
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President/Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) Governors who shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Governors. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall be the President of the Association. The Executive Committee is empowered to act, in a manner fitting and proper, upon all matters of immediate importance coming before the Board of Governors, which require action prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Board, with the exception of the following: (1) the submission to the membership at large of any action requiring members' approval; (2) the filling of vacancies on the Board of Governors or on any committee; (3) the fixing of compensation of the Director; and (4) the amendment or repeal of any resolution of the Board of Governors which by its terms shall not be so amendable or repealable.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall be responsible for assisting the Treasurer in the fulfillment of his or her duties. The Finance Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Gender Equity Initiative
The ABAA Gender Equity Initiative (previously the Women's Initiative) promotes greater participation of women and other people of underrepresented gender identities in the book trade. The goals of the initiative are to promote gender equity in the trade, facilitate gender-inclusive recruitment efforts and expand diversity in the market by developing a wider spectrum of collectors and collections. 

Government Affairs Committee
The Government Affairs Committee shall be responsible for advising the Board and, if appropriate, the membership, about proposed governmental action, principally legislative initiatives that might have an impact on the trade. No action will be undertaken by the Association unless Board approval has been obtained.

House Committee
The House Committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining the physical office or offices the Association may from time to time occupy, and shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Governors regarding the condition and upkeep, and the expenditures thereon.  The House Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Internet Committee
The Internet Committee shall have the general responsibility for overseeing matters of importance to the membership relating to electronic and computer media of all types, including the Association's website and search engines. The Internet Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Membership Committee 
The Membership Committee shall consist only of members of the Board of Governors, who from time to time shall be appointed by the President. The Membership Committee shall monitor and maintain membership requirements and make recommendations for their modification, as needed, to the Board of Governors. The Committee shall make available, accept, and consider written applications for all classes of membership in the Association. The Committee shall circulate to the Board copies of completed applications, together with supporting documents, and make recommendations to the Board on each. The Membership Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, who shall serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, two Governors serving in their last year of office, to be appointed by the President, and a representative from each of the regional chapters, to be elected or appointed at the chapterʼs annual meeting in the year in which the term of office expires, or until their successors are elected and qualify, by whatever method commends itself to the regional chapters.  The term of each member of the Nominating Committee shall be one (1) year. The Nominating Committee shall consult as many times as is necessary to create a ballot of candidates, with sufficient place for write-in candidates, for seats being vacated by Governors and/or National Officers.  Nominees must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Nominating Committee.  This ballot must be submitted to the Board of Governors, together with a written report of the activities of the Nominating Committee, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Planning Committee
The Planning Committee shall have the general responsibility of evaluating, stating and implementing long-range goals, paying special attention to new member recruitment, member retention and member professional education. 

Public Relations and Publications Committee
The Public Relations and Publications Committee shall be responsible for promoting the Objectives of the Association beyond the confines of the Association itself; for creating positive publicity for the Association, bookselling, and book collecting; and, for establishing and maintaining the Association's public image.  The Public Relations and Education Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

RBMS/Liaison Committee
The RBMS/Liaison Committee shall be responsible for liaison with the Rare Book and Manuscript Section of the ALA and other collegial professional bodies.  The Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.

Security Committee
The Security Committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining contact with both the Association membership and the bookselling and library communities at large on matters pertaining to the theft of books and other printed materials, and manuscripts, and the trafficking thereof; shall promote security measures which may assist in the prevention of book theft; shall cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the effort to recover and return stolen materials to their rightful owners; and, shall assist, when practical, in the apprehension of those responsible for the theft.  The Security Committee Chairperson shall also submit to the Board of Governors in writing an annual report of the Committee's work, sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Association so that it may be circulated with the Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as in Article V, Section K.3.