An article from the online version of the Wall Street Journal about collecting. Collecting Literary Treasures [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from December 2010
An interesting New York Times article on Litquake and the literary scene in San Francisco; several ABAA firms are mentioned- Bolerium, Libros Latinos, Meyer Boswell- and there's a nice paragraph on Jo... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from November 2010
This article from the International Herald Tribune is about Gyorgy Kepes, a designer and design theorist. His archive was recently sold by an ABAA firm, Ars Libri. Congratulations on the sale and the ... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
On November 18, 2010, the following items were stolen from the Complete Travel and Antiquated Bookstore: -3 Volume set of Richard Burton's Journey to Mecca and Medina -Limited, signed edition of The H... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
These books were still reported missing as of May 29, 2019. Over the last few months books belonging to the "Botanical Library of Harrison G. Yocum" have gone missing from Tucson, Arizona. These range... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
There's a nice profile of Dee Longenbaugh and her shop, The Observatory, in the Capitol City Weekly. Observing the Observatory [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Take a moment to check out some of the interviews from Mike Ginsberg's Video Archive Project. With the help of Taylor Bowie and Kara McLaughlin, Mike produced almost 100 interviews with ABAA members, ... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Take a moment to read this interview with English dealer Ed Maggs of Maggs Bros. A working life: The rare-book dealer [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from October 2010
An extremely rare Mormon book, an 1837 first edition Parley P. Pratt's A Voice of Warning, has been offered for sale on eBay with a buy-it-now price tag of $75,000; at auction, the book would be expec... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Several volumes from an Antique Shakespeare collection were stolen in Berkeley, CA on October 21, 2010. TITLE: The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare With a Life, Glossarial Notes, and One Hundred and Sev... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]